Associated Partner 6 (MED-ING)


Med Ingegneria s.r.l.

Since 1992 MED INGEGNERIA, an Italian leading consulting company in the field of water resources management, coastal hydraulic and geophysics, has carried out hundreds of national and international projects while providing its clients with the highest standards of quality.

Key competencies and facilities

Our multidisciplinary organization of scientists and engineers provides for a whole range of technical disciplines related to natural resources studies, infrastructure planning and development. Our integrated approach offers a multifaceted perspective that leads to innovative solutions that produce bottom-line results. Main fields of activities: Energy & climate change, Environment, Water Resources, Marine Engineering, Remote sensing and GIS, Infrastructures & Planning, Gas & Oil Engineering. Further information is available at

Key persons involved

The technical staff totals 30 experts: hydraulic and maritime engineers, structural and environmental engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists. W. Bertoni (President); M. Gonella (managing director); E. Ulazzi (foreign relations), M. Soldati (Senior coastal modeller environmental consultant).

Previous training programs and research

Over 300 studies/projects including: Recovery interventions in the Piombone lagoon; Adaptation to climate change in Morocco; CRATER, Thailand (Coastal risk analysis of tsunamis and environmental remediation); works in/plans for the Port of Taranto, Marina Fiera Genoa, Marina of Termoli, Giulianova harbour (all in Italy); PIA oil terminal in the north of Vlore City (Albania); AMIS Project, Algeria (Algerian coast Management through Integration and Sustainability); Ravenna shoreline master plan, Italy (Research contract for analysis and forecast on short-medium term); Farwah lagoon (Libya) (Topography, bathymetry and marine geoelectrical surveys); ADRICOSM pilot project, Croatia (Adriatic Sea integrated coastal areas and river basin management system); Rimini province coastal area, Italy (Planning, GIS implementation and monitoring program); Agosta Gas field, Italy (Environmental Impact Assessment of the expected land subsidence due to gas production); Angela-Angelina gas field, Italy (Study of the expected land subsidence caused by the development of the Angela-Angelina gas field); Dorotea gas field, Italy (Nonlinear 3-D simulation of land subsidence); Ravenna area, Italy (Flooding risk analysis).

MMMPA - Training Network for Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no.: 290056.

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