ICZM manages multiple uses of the coastal and marine environment so that a wide range of needs are catered for, allowing all stakeholders (e.g. government, NGOs, different economic sectors, and local communities) to participate and benefit. ICZM programmes are generally based on coordinating bodies or committees comprising representatives of all the sectors involved in coastal development. MPAs, and preferably a national MPA system or network, are essential components of ICZM programmes, because they protect the biodiversity and ecological processes on which human use of the coastal zone depends. MPA management must also be coordinated and integrated with management activities outside the boundaries and linked to development programmes that address the needs of local people. WP5 will develop efficient procedures for coordinated ICZM in MPAs and surrounding areas and provide the synthesis of the work performed under the previous WPs. Thanks to the power of visualisation, it will foster effective pathways to enhance marine environment perception in society.


  1. Key-elements central to assessment and management of ICZM in Mediterranean MPAs are identified; 

  2. Relevant ICZM protocol analysis that can apply to a wide array of Mediterranean MPAs is formalised; 

  3. Baseline about the identified ICZM issues of the involved MPAs is produced and available; 

  4. Standardised management tools that can apply to a wide array of Mediterranean MPAs, are formalised based on the organised collected information, including visual representations to engage with the laymen.



WP 5.1 - Innovative approaches and methodologies in benthic bio-cartography

Supervisor: Dr. Marco Palma (UBICA, Italy)


Objectives. The aim of this project is to develop and apply new approaches and methodologies both for field data acquisition and 3D representation. 


Methods. Innovative underwater positioning systems, fast underwater scooter, rapid image acquisition and processing, will be combined on order to speed up the underwater surveys. These methods will allow extending the surveys to wider areas and increasing depth. State of the art computer graphic software will be used for interactive virtual 3D representation of the sea bottoms and of their bio-ecological features.





WP 5.2 - ICZM experiences in the MPAs of the net: integration and dissemination

Supervisor: Dr. Carlo Cerrano (UNIVPM, Italy)


Objectives. ICZM urgently needs to find new languages and solutions to engage with the society at large and deliver its full potential. The task will endeavour in this direction by developing a web platform open to both practitioners and the laymen. This part of the work will build upon scientific results coming from the project and the needs/indications expressed by partner MPAs/SMEs to work at the interface between science and society. 


Methods. An ICZM web-based portal will be created in the frame of the project website. Hosted at the coordinator's responsibility, it will be regularly updated, fed and integrated with research information by the whole consortium and its outreach network. It will host the database collating all the scientific data collected under WPs 1-5, along with networking information concerning other Mediterranean ICZM projects and initiatives. Further to be a mere repository of information, it will be a tool for the engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, ranging from practitioners to policy makers, which will be the focus of research in view of participatory management. Furthermore, it will be an excellent outreach tool, as scientific visualization proves highly effective in the delivery of scientific information to the lay man.

MMMPA - Training Network for Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no.: 290056.

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